Access Modifiers
- defaultprivate
- access from subclassesinternal
- access from any code in the module (any code compiled together)
Constructors (primary and secondary)
// primary constructor - multiple init blocks is possible
class SomeClass(val year: Int) {
init {
if (year < 2000) throw Exception("year must be after year 2000")
val a = SomeClass(2000) // ok
val b = SomeClass(1999) // throws exception
// secondary constructors
class SomeClass(val year: Int) {
// secondary constructor must call primary with `this()`
constructor(millennium: Int, century: Int, year: Int): this(1_000 * millennium + 100 * century + year) {
val c = SomeClass(2, 0, 1) // calling secondary constructor
Inline Classes
A special construct to make it simple to wrap single properties at compile time without incurring runtime overhead
// the annotation is required for JVM backends
value class Password(private val s: String)
🔗 Avoiding Stringly-typed in Kotlin - a blog post on
- type aliases (don’t use)
- enums
- inline classes
- sealed classes
Class Members (static
Static functions and properties is not allowed in Kotlin. Instead a so called companion object
is used
class MachineOperator(val name: String) {
// instance functions - modifying the class level property
fun checkin() = checkedIn++
fun checkout() = checkedIn--
// class level - this is in effect a singleton instance
companion object {
var checkedIn = 0
fun minimumBreak() = "15 minutes every 2 hours"
// create instance and checkin
// operation on the class
println(MachineOperator.minimumBreak()) //15 minutes every 2 hours
// property of the class
println(MachineOperator.checkedIn) //1
The companion object can be referenced directly as
val ref = MachineOperator.Companion
Instead of the default Companion
it can also be explicitly named when declared
companion object MachineOperatorFactory {
var checkedIn = 0
// thereafter it should be referenced as
val ref = MachineOperator.MachineOperatorFactory
Factory Methods
// primary constructor marked as private
class MachineOperator private constructor(val name: String) {
companion object {
// class factory method
fun create(name: String): MachineOperator {
val instance = MachineOperator(name)
return instance
// creating an instance using the factory method
val operator = MachineOperator.create("Alice")
Data Classes
Data classes are intended to carry mostly data instead of behavior.
Kotlin will automatically create equals()
, hashCode()
, toString()
and copy()
for a data class.
data class DataClass(val name: String, val number: Int)
val a = DataClass("Alice", 1)
// generated toString()
println(a) // DataClass(name=Alice, number=1)
// copy constructor - possible to set named variables
val b = a.copy(name = "Bob")